Siberia 2002 (Ned)

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Siberia hospital 2003

Siberia hospital 2003

Clown Bijouxxx on his way to Siberia


After my first experiences in Russia, I decided to regularly go to countries where disadvantaged, sick and orphans live. In August 2002 I travelled again to Moscow. This time with Patch Adams’ assistant, Beach Clown. Together with the travel agency MIR, she organised an 18-day trip to Siberia.

We left with 15 clowns, most of them from America, from Moscow with the Trans Siberia on purpose towards Vladivostok. On the way we got off in big cities. We visited sick and orphaned children in Ekaterinburg, Tymen, Novosibrsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkuts, Ulan Ude and Vladivostok. (The journey lasted 18 days).





Also this trip was a rich experience.



Clown Bijouxxx on his way to Siberia


After my first experiences in Russia, I decided to regularly go to countries where disadvantaged, sick and orphans live. In August 2002 I travelled again to Moscow. This time with Patch Adams’ assistant, Beach Clown. Together with the travel agency MIR, she organised an 18-day trip to Siberia.

We left with 15 clowns, most of them from America, from Moscow with the Trans Siberia on purpose towards Vladivostok. On the way we got off in big cities. We visited sick and orphaned children in Ekaterinburg, Tymen, Novosibrsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkuts, Ulan Ude and Vladivostok. (The journey lasted 18 days).





Also this trip was a rich experience.




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