Parties for all children from 0 till 120 year.

Birthday parties for children from 0 to 12 years:

Where: 4 till 10 children in the livingroom and in the garden. More than ten children in a small hall.
Clown Bijouxxx advises not to invite more than 10 children for a party at home.
Her goal is to give each child the attention that he or she needs.
Teh smaller the group, the cozier the party, the more attention there is for each child. Some children are afraid or shy. Bijouxxx wants to create an atmosphere in which it is safe for children to express themselve and to be present.

If there are more than 15 children and there is family it is better to have the party in a hall. Clown Bijouxxx will than come together with another clown.


At every party the birthday child is the master. Bijouxxx is there as the clown to offer ideas.
Bijouxxx offers to take the children with her to Clowns Country.
In clownscountry children can schminck, dress up, change into clowns clothes, play circus, make music, dance, do tricks, or make a performance ect.
Bijouxxx brings schminck, clownsclothes, balloons, musical instruments, hoops, balls and many many suitcases with her.
Sometimes Bijouxxx gives a small performance, like juggling. She often ends the party by reading out a storybook or making our own story together.

Bellydance parties. 

Bijouxxx also gives bellydance partys

First of all she will give a small performance as the bellydance clown. After that she will give  bellydancelessons.





Wedding parties and special birthday parties for children and adults older than 12 year.

Clown Bijouxxxx is a very good guest hostess and good in encouraging people to feel free to do what they like to do. As to  get up and dance, sing and make music. And of course Bijouxxx loves to dance with all the guests herself.