Dear visitors, very welcome to the website of the Clown Bijouxxx Foreign Foundation.
The website is in a process of renewal. An angel has brought Andre on my path to bring the website up to date.
I wish you all a very happy, happy, crazy and healthy 2024
Click here if you would like to contribute to The Clown Bijouxxx Foundation, please contact us for more information
The website is a bit confused at the moment, some things are gone or not knocking. It’s being worked on by Andre who has offered his help.
In November 2021 Clown Bijouxxx organizes for the second time a Humanitarian clowns group trip to Nepal.
In April 2022, Clown Bijouxxx will travel to Marocco with Patch Adams and group “hopefully”. This will require €3000.00.
Highly needed sponsor money to make it possible to make these HUMANITARION CLOWN TOURS
On June 17, 2020, the first performance was at the new Theater Bijouxxx in Alkmaar, and it was great!!
Who knows, we might meet here or at a party at your house or just on the street in 2020