Preschool, kindergarten and primary school.

When a species leaves the kindergarten preschool playground, in case the “teacher” says goodbye to birthday.

photos schooloptrenden 2008 Amsterdam



Because some toddlers have never seen a real clown and that sometimes find scary, Bijouxxx has created a program in which she dresses as a clown. She can’t do that at all. All her clothes are going to be wrong. Bijouxxx makes a special song for those who say goodbye to the children. Together she met the children doing circus tricks, dance and sing. If there is a theme, Bijouxxx also creates a program for it, for example an Indian party.

Depending on the theme of the school, Bijouxxx will create a switching program. So she played the “new” congition when the then congarian said goodbye. For example, the jibe room can be transformed into a Circus piste of Indian camp.

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